Missing a tooth may not seem like a big deal at first, especially if they don’t even notice it’s gone. However, there are some functional reasons why the tooth needs to be replaced, even if it doesn’t impact the appearance of the smile. When a tooth is missing for any reason, the jawbone begins to become resorbed since there is no tooth present to stimulate......
Having a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth is nothing to be ashamed of. Accidents can happen to cause a missing tooth, or there may have been a specific health reason for extracting a tooth. Regardless of the reason, dental implants can restore teeth and revive the naturally beautiful smile patients in Aurora have. When compared to other methods for replacing teeth, dental implants are......
It’s only natural for people in Centennial to have a little bit of hesitation about visiting an oral surgeon. However, the natural hesitation can be alleviated in many different ways. With the technology available to oral surgeons today, along with various sedation dentistry techniques, patients are having more relaxed experiences than ever before. In fact, many oral surgeons today will go out of their way......