As you prepare for wisdom teeth removal, you will want to plan ahead regarding what you will eat after oral surgery. It will take several days before you can get back to your normal diet because you need to give your gum tissue, sockets, and any incisions time to heal. It is important to follow the post-operative instructions Dr. Ivey provides to minimize complications, and that means sticking with safe-to-eat foods after wisdom teeth removal.
What Are Good Foods to Eat Following Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
Food to Eat on The Day of Surgery
On the day of surgery, you will likely feel groggy from the anesthesia, and your mouth may still be a little numb from the local anesthetic. Once any bleeding has stopped and you are feeling more alert, start by taking small sips of water to stay hydrated.
Your diet should primarily be limited to liquids and foods that require no chewing and are easy to swallow. This includes things such as:
- Yogurt
- Bone broths
- Smooth soups
- Smoothies (without any fruits that contain seeds)
- Ice cream
- Applesauce
- Pudding
- Jell-O
- Instant breakfast or meal supplement drinks
Remember not to use a straw for the first 72 hours following surgery and to drink directly from the cup or use a spoon. The suction from a straw can disturb blood clots that are forming and increase your risk of dry socket. Also, make sure that your soups and broths are lukewarm or at room temperature rather than steaming hot.
Food to Eat on Days 2 and 3
As your gums begin to heal, they will be sore, and your jaw may feel stiff, so a soft diet is recommended. You can continue with the foods from the day of surgery while also adding in others, such as:
- Mashed potatoes
- Mashed banana
- Mashed avocado
- Yogurt
- Scrambled eggs
- Well steamed vegetables
- Oatmeal
- Cottage cheese
Food to Eat on Days 4 and 5
Your mouth will feel better with each passing day, and any pain or swelling normally peaks around day three and then begins to diminish. At this point, you may be feeling well enough to introduce slightly firmer foods into your diet. While they should still be mostly soft, you can see how you feel eating foods like:
- Yogurt
- Overly cooked pasta
- Macaroni and cheese
- Pancakes
- Flaky fish, such as salmon
- Soups with soft pasta and vegetables like chicken noodle
Listen to your body, and if something is painful to eat, stop and choose something else that is softer like yogurt or blended soup.
What Foods Should You Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
Not every food is a good choice following oral surgery. There are certain types of foods that you will want to avoid for at least a week or two so that you don’t interfere with recovery or cause potential complications. Here are a few things you should put on your “do not eat” list:
- Anything crunchy or crumbly (chips, crackers, cookies)
- Anything tough or chewy (steak, beef jerky, fruit snacks)
- Anything spicy or acidic (including beverages like orange juice)
- Any nuts, seeds, or small grains (like quinoa)
Considerations When Planning Your Menu
It can be tempting to use wisdom teeth removal as an excuse to eat ice cream and popsicles for a week but remember that your body needs proper nutrition to support healing. A little bit of ice cream is fine, but you also want to pick foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, like scrambled eggs, Greek yogurt, avocado, and fruit or vegetable smoothies.
Try to limit foods that are high in sugar as well. You will not be able to resume brushing your teeth until at least a day after surgery or be able to vigorously rinse, so you do not want a lot of sugary substances sitting on your teeth and increasing your risk of cavities.
And even though your mouth may be sore or stiff, you still want to ensure that you are eating enough. Skipping meals can make you feel more tired and lethargic, and during this time you want to keep up your energy. Eat small meals throughout the day if that is easier.
Make the Most of Your Recovery from Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Recovering from wisdom tooth extraction can be easier with a little planning. By following these post-op instructions and diet tips from Ivey Oral & Facial Surgery, you’ll be back to your favorite foods in no time. Focus on nourishing your body and giving it the rest it needs to heal properly.